gam (găm)
n. 1. A social visit or friendly interchange, especially between
or seafarers. 2. A herd of whales or a social congregation of whalers, especially
at sea.
The gamming
(discussion) area on this web site provides an opportunity for
fellows to exchange information about Captain Brown and the Brown
family heritage. Posts may be made under a variety of forum areas
and topics. The system also allows users to sent private messages,
thereby contacting each other without using e-mail.
Our gam is
open to anyone with a connection to,
or interest in the history of Captain Robert Brown.
Access to the discussion area requires registration, which
is subject to approval by the site administrators.
To register,
click the link below to access the discussion board, then look
for the Registration link in the upper right area of the page.
We strongly recommend that you include only the following in
your registration:
- Username
- E-mail
- Password
E-mail addresses will not be
visible to anyone except the site administrator.
By registering
for this web site, you agree to respect the privacy of
other users by not disclosing or misusing any personal information.
All posts should be pertinent to the discussion category and
the boundaries of good taste. Any violation of this agreement
may result in suspension or cancellation of your account.
NOTE: Bogus registrations tend to outnumber legitimate ones by a ratio of about 200 to one, and it takes some time to wade through them all. If you want to join us quickly, please send an email to the site administrator, and we’ll jump you to the front of the line.